I really enjoyed this project. I have wanted to learn simple video editing for a long time, but have never put together a project. The process was fairly straightforward, and I have already been talking with students and colleagues about what kind of video projects might be worth pursuing. One possibility is the use of videos to create user guides for the software we are using in the PHSgeek project. The use of video screen capture programs, rather than just screenshots, would make this work interesting to students.
I completed this project using entirely open source software. I used kdenlive for the video editing, and found it easy to use after reading one tutorial. The program was not as polished as something like iMovie, but after reflecting on the question of which software to use with students I come back to the principles of open source. It's not about price, it's about access. If we can make high-quality video projects with programs like kdenlive, we can install the software on any computer in the school without any concerns about licensing issues. Even more important, anyone with a computer at home can make videos on their own time. This is a huge benefit of open source software, and the field of video editing is one where this is likely to be significant. Not many students are going to write a paper at home for fun because they can use an open source word processor, but many students might try their hand at video editing if they have unlimited access to the technology.

There are technical aspects of this video that I could improve, but they are easy details to address in subsequent projects. For the purposes of this project, having simply put all the pieces together to make an edited video was a significant step forward for me, and one that I will use with students shortly.