- Do we ignore technological waste and inefficiency, or do something about it?
- If we do something about it, do we just address our own needs, or the needs of the larger community?
- Note: "We" is the Pacific High School community - staff and students.
Challenges and Character Transformation
- How will we deal with unknowns as they come up?
- Will anyone donate computers? Will people donate too many computers? What about donations that are too old or nonfunctional to work?
- Will students want to do the work required to make the computers reusable?
- Will the district continue to support us as the project grows?
- Will we ostracize businesses that sell new computers?
- Will we have enough school time to carry out the project
- Will students learn enough academics through the project?
Current benefits of the program:
- Refurbished computers that work better than existing school computers;
- Students who can refurbish computers on their own;
- Students who are using refurbished computers in their homes;
- Students who want refurbished computers;
- Members of the public who want refurbished computers and are being referred to our school;
- An improved reputation for our school in the larger community;
- Continued donations.
- Continuous donations accepted, rather than donation windows;
- Distribution of refurbished computers to students and the public;
- Sale of computers, appropriate uses of funds from sales, fund ongoing electronics recycling for the community;
- Best donated computers stay in the school, so school's technology infrastructure is steadily improving;
- Publicize our work with the goal of replicating the project in other communities.
Story Map

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